We Need KidSight Volunteers!
Our Lions Club KidSight Program provides for the FREE visual screening of over 10,000 elementary, middle and high school students each year in the Rock Hill, Clover and York school districts. Our two handheld, portable Vision Screener cameras are designed to help our volunteers quickly, easily and accurately detect vision issues on students, including but not limited to Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), Astigmatism (blurred vision), and Anisometropia (unequal refractive power).
The information generated by our cameras supports the current American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines regarding the “Visual System Assessment in Infants, Children, and Young Adults by Pediatricians.” The deliverable of the screening is the referral letter, which is generated and subsequently printed out when warranted by the screening results.
The critical element in the screening of so many students has been the contribution made by our volunteers. However, as is often the case, we have been largely relying on the same volunteers during the last few years, so we need a revitalizing force of new volunteers to maintain our program effectiveness.
We typically arrive at a school at 8:30am, start seeing students at 8:45am, and for a group of 400 students, we typically finish up no later than 2:30pm. It's a day well spent in providing services for children who need it.
If you are interested in joining our team, and/ or would like additional information, please
contact Gene Foster at 703.909.5055, or email him at Gene_IUS@att.net.